>>33264389One of the things that really pisses me off about Sun/Moon is that they made it so fucking tedious to erase EV's from Pokemon. I want to challenge the E4 with my the original team being EV trained, but since the fucktards at GameFreak removed Super Training, you can't do that until you access most of the areas with the right Pokemon to yield the right EV's.
So now my team has scrambled EVs, and the only way to lower them is by feeding them the EV reducing berries that only drop like 10 per piece, and only grow like once a day.
I may be autistic when it comes to games, especially Pokemon, but I'm not going to spend the next month farming fucking berries just so I can START EV training. I'd rather just overlevel my team to feel fucking powerful.
It's amazing how they got it right with ORAS and XY with Super Training, but completely fucked it up in this game.
Now that I threw my tantrum you guys think they'll fix this shit in US/UM or nah?