>>53277093>They're not a band-aid for anything.They absolutely are. They're a band-aid for Game Freak's poor game design decisions. They wrote themselves into a corner by emphasizing each generation being new and distinct and them not wanting to actually work any harder. Instead of polishing their game design, they slap on a new gimmick and call it a day.
>Do you think Cappy in Mario Odyssey is a band-aid because they didn't bring FLUDD back?No, because Nintendo EAD are actually good at making games. That being said, Cappy is an annoying gimmick that really upends the 4 game long streak of 3D Marios not having an actual gimmick to make them all that distinct. Sunshine and Odyssey aside, they just refined the formula itself rather than adding bells and whistles on. Super Mario 64 and Super Mario 3D World are distinct not because of any gimmick, but because the core is developed in a unique way. They're still both 3D Mario platforming games, but the expression of that base goes in two separate directions as one focuses on being a collect-a-thon and the other on being level based.