I have been feeling down since I lost my pet and my only friend. I was very emotionally dependent on them and now I feel very lonely, directionless. I'm worried that I haven't been sleeping well and it's affecting my health and routine
A few days ago I started a Pokemon X playthrough and it's been a good distraction. The graphics are very comfy, and I really like some of the new pokemon designs. I really wanted Skrelp on my team though and I just realized he's exclusive to the opposite version. Oh well
>>55750379Anything in particular about work that stresses you out? If you are young like me, I hope that over the years we will learn to deal with adult life. Hang in there buddy
>I was replaying HeartGold not too long ago, and it was providing a nice little diversionWhere did you leave your game last time? What was your team?
>>55757333That's so sweet anon. Happy for you, cherish that