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Keeping the thread alive with an aut update. Haven't felt like adding a narrative to this run yet. Here's how the gyms have gone:
Scaldera the Slugma beat Pidgey then had to switch in Impa to finish off Pidgeotto.
Scaldera sweep.
Link took out Clefairy then switched to Talus the Onix to keep Screeching Miltank, then Groose as a Krabby smashed her.
Remlit the Meowth ate a Gastly then was cursed by Haunter. Cia came in and swept the rest with Crunch. Honestly surprised she outsped Gengar.
Link shot down Primeape, then Cia glared at Poliwrath and bolted. Groose kept stomping Poli through two heals but eventually had to let Sidon finish it off with Spark.