>>42744705>being "uncompetitive", meaning that it was entirely random and you could win a battle through luck instead of skill. True that RNG can factor in their favor just like an Iron Head/ Rock Slide flinch or a Swagger hit can, We have a myriad of tools that reset, steal, flip-flop, and ignore status changes, yet those mechanics will go utilized because nobody calling the shots wants to deal with those mechanics in the first place. Or people came unprepared to deal with it. I hated fighting scarf Smeargle with Dark Void or Spore, but as gay as that was I learned to play around it. I mean yeah DV got nerfed hard, but even then I still learned how to deal with it.
>Shadow Tag was banned because there were, by definition, no countersEven though Shed Shell exists, and any Shadow Tagger/ghost is immune, especially when every single STer is weak to ghost?
So if Intimidate is running the VGC meta rampant, is it justifiable to throw a fit that bringing a Defiant/Competitive user is a must?
Because the entire point to a meta is to recognize optimal plays and either swim with the river or fight the current to get upstream, both of which can be quite profitable.
>So the ones who voted for most bans actually did git gud and still thought a ban was necessaryI can recognize the skill, I do. Especially a format that I haven't truly played for the last few generations. I expect a lot of what I'm saying to be a bit easier said than done, but counters have to exist, smart players can find a way to get around and take advantage of anything, and I'm not entirely convinced that everything that makes the ban list is all that justified.
I don't outright hate Smogon for trying to make it fairer, I do respect that sentiment, but I just don't see eye to eye with the execution.