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This is my team so far.
Part 4.
I start today by going into Mt Coronet and evolving Nosepass into Probopass, I then get lucky and catch a Ralts and in Hearthome City, Bebe gives me an Eevee though I put him in the reserves for now. I also decided to put Bronzor in the reserves and add Ralts to the party. While grinding, Gible evolves into Gabite and I begin the third gym. I beat Fantina without losing a single pokemon, Probopass paralysed her Duskull and took it out, he then paralysed her Mismagius and dealt some damage so that Grotle could them finish the job and Gabite took out her Haunter with ease. Now I need to leave Hearthome City and carry on my journey, though I'm worried there isn't alot of good encounters inbetween Hearthome City and Veilstone City.