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It's difficult to imagine the Pokemon universe and its events outside the context of a game with its limited mechanics or the anime, which can ascribe to cartoon logic. The more detail you want to apply the harder it becomes, at least if you want to stay remotely faithful to the source material.
How can Pokemon use the abilities they do, the odd ones that aren't just simplistic notions like a stromp or slash? Why can't other beings such as humans learn to use Flamethrower? Granted, Sabrina and others show that genuine human psychics do exist.
What did humans do before the Pokeball? How do humans defend themselves from Pokemon if they don't have Pokemon already? How did humans or other non-Pokemon survive centuries or thousands of years ago? Why can't you use a Pokemon on a human? What did the war mentioned in Gen 1 entail? Is the world we see depicted in the game-boy games an accurate representation, or are we seeing it through the eyes of a child, only getting the occasional hint of the higher reality?
I know the manga has Pokemon being killed in battle sometimes, and they do die in the games, though the manner of their deaths is never given and we never witness it. How often do people get killed by Pokemon?
Ect ect ect. All of this is totally overthinking but I enjoy this kind of thing.