Welp I just started a playthrough of my favorite Pokemon game, XD Gale of Darkness.
Here is my Delcattys moveset
Faint Attack
I am blatantly cheating by giving her Faint Attack because Skitty does not learn that until level 27 or 29 in Gen 3. But I need it in order to attack Ghost-types.
You cannot get Return until postgame in XD, so this will actually be the first game where my Delcatty will not learn Return at all. I will grab Body Slam whenever I can, which I think is after Lovrina, not sure.
>>56151451Normally I do not reply to posts that do not give screenshots, but I am desperate.
Anyways that is very based, Typhlosion is cool and all the people who say otherwise are transgender.
>>56151452Atleast you are pirating SV, so kind of based. Abit too much KANTOOOO though. But with Paldeas dex it is hard to blame you.