As we head back to the lesbian luv shack, we run int otwo old faces. Julia, first gym leader and secret lovechild of Michael Bay and Osama bin Laden, and Florinia, who due to some trauma in the past speaks like a 12 yeard old pretending to be smart with emotion.
It's amazing how much I hated them at first, but now that we've met up with an arsonist, a crazed murderer, a kiddie fiddler, a kiddie fiddler enabler, an insane goth, a bug rapist, Terra and more I've probably forgotten, these two seem quaint and harmless in comparison. God fucking damn.
This is the first time the game acknowledges what a shithole state the league is in, at least in earlier versions. We'e interrupted by a Team Meteor attack on the house.
>>38602978If only if it was actually the dumbest thing in the game, huh?