>>57420894i am working on some new writing. it's different than what either of us would expect, but i haven't had time to get in the zone recently so i'm turning my attention to this much shorter thing.
once again i find myself out of time and energy to type properly. i can't bring up the subject that i want so insead i'm bringing this next thing up
i finally named my deppressed officewoman oc. her name is anna dross. because she is dross lmao
i struggle to come up with last names for kris. "kris allen" was my go to, but that's already the name of a famous person. "kris lagann" was my next choice even though i've never watched gurren lagann, but he doesn't have glasses (he's not cool enough for that, and i would also be ripping off phos). "kris lane" might work, it's "rad" enough and also allows him to get called "kris lame". if you don't remember who this is, he's the chunni nu-metal kid who gets successfully browbeaten into being normal by the end of his arc
this makes me wonder what i would have named alex if that sludgecore band heriot had never come to mind. "alexander manyula", maybe, in reference to weavile
>>57422664ah, you were just the person that i wanted to see, such a shame because that other subject that i don't have time to discuss right now is lolita (ouji?) fashion
>>57422734<- i see that you've gotten attached to this image
literally as fucking soon as this document was posted, two other people started reading it
try comedy maybe?