>>49923868Yeah let's call less effort and say "uuuh but people just don't care for the first route just go there seconds"
Kalos Route 1 is a fucking joke.
Shut the fuck up.
>You retards are constantly posting shit comparing XY to GBA games.WTF with you. I just compare 3DS games with 3DS games.
>XY had the better story and lore of the two."I wanna destroy the world because everybody is ugly and fuck you all." BETTER STORY GUYS. 10/10 goty.
>And yet, no National Dex to log them in.At least they are functional. Not like SwSh.
Or are you one of those who cry because they don't see a dex page for every fucking species?
>Gen 7 has gremlins with sausage fingersGen 6 had fucking chibis for characters.
"Ooooh BuT tHiS RaNdOm CuTsCeNE mOdEl Is WaY bEtTEr tHaN aLl oF SM"
Just shut the fuck up.