Hey /wfg/ since I' breeding shit to fill my livingdex I guess I can let you keep breeding rejects, the lines I'm going to breed are:
>Wooper (Kantonian)>Basculin (White Stripe and maybe Red or blue ones)>Gulpin>Meowth (Kantonian, Alolan, Galarian)>Flabebe (white flower)>Growlithe (Kantonian and Hissuian)>Zorua (Unovan and Hissuian)>Bagon>Dreepy>Passimian>Eiscue>Clauncher>Sneasel (Jhotonian and Hissuian)>Sansshrew (Kantonian and Alolan)>Vulpix (Kantonian and Alolan)everything will have at least 4 IVs but they come in luxury balls, let me know if anyone wants anything
>>55824050I'm not going to reset my main file, just do what I was doing back then, delete files on secondary accounts, that's how I was farming the legendaries I was using as trade fodder, but I can give you all the best balls I have on it