>>22819127>>22819139>>22819156The stone edge went wide as it impacted against a bit of rubble, forcing the two pokemon aside as they moved to attack again, the soldiers now coming back up with their guns as they began looking for targets, giving suppression fire towards Bakura and the others as the two attackers tried one more round against the water type.
>Wing attack and Fire Fang on Quadmire>Suppressing fireThe ghost withdrew under fire again the rolling pokemon following behind as it began rolling faster and faster towards the rest of them, the men behind it readying pokeballs of their own for whoever else was going to be sent out.
>RolloutThe fist hit Cloth with the force of a hammer, the soldier grunting from the power of the attack, but despite the immense pain and damage he didn't crumple... somehow, instead he merely grinned and countered with an upwards kick to force the pokemon to let go of him, the others kept a good circle around it, forcing it into a pin where an attack against one would open a flank to another, they didn't look like they had the strength to hurt it but it certainally looked like they were stalling until something that could did.
>Low KickThe Punch knocked the soldier back, his helmet flying loose through his Mask as he countered with another of his own, attempting to grab and toss the Colonel even further into the melee that was developing.
The Bats were soon driven off by Panzaeron's efforts but distraction was enough for Panzaeron to end up in their sights, the gunners grimly taking aim as they awaited the commands... the officer looking down at the battle below them before shouting.
"Feuer öffnen!"
The boom of the 88mm Cannon echoed through out the open valley as the shell was launched directly towards the bird already the gunners locking on to another target as the next shell was slammed into the chamber
>Cannon>Lock On