>>29817373I don't have attacking Dragonites.
My vape squad is accidentally stuck in gyms, haven't seen them in literal months.
I have one Jolteon.
I have 5 goddamn Flareons because the RNG hates me.
And then the rest are all sub-2k CP situational mons.
If I can do better than a 1:1 ratio of wins, I call it a good day because I play mainly solo.
The real secret to gym battling success is to have friends
or spoof with multiple accounts so that you guys can halve the time it takes to take down any defender and actually sweep the gym when you normally wouldn't expect to.
One Flareon can take out one Exeggcutor and call it a day.
Two Flareons can take out like 4 Exeggcutors and half a Snorlax.
Dunno about bugs, really. I have a bunch of Bug Bite / Bug Buzz Pokemon ready for powering up but I never have the star dust to spare for them instead of another space filler because I need to be ready to fill a gym on short notice.
A lot of us, and probably most of the remaining players, are miserable because we all play alone. This is why Mystic domination sucks for a lot of people. In my town, it's not just one faggot, it's a whole army of them and they are basically available 18-24 hours a day to spoof over and take my gyms and instantly fill them up while I wait for my teammates to physically make their way to the gym. THAT'S why it sucks to fight back because when you're outnumbered, there's just no chance, and the advantage from not having to leave your bed to do it just sucks the fun out for everyone else. Doesn't really help that you are alone in the game world. Zero interaction with other humans other than watching sparks fly on your gym and the prestige going down.
Your trainer used to be able to occasionally show up on the Pokestop screen and it was a nice reminder that you exist in this barren world but Niantic patched it to explicitly hide every trainer and Pokemon the moment you open a Pokestop so even that little comfort is gone now.