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No one will read my post but I will write anyways since I like to write
Got electric, which isn't one of my favorite types but whatever
All anons are making full and stacked teams as if they are either
>one of the latest gyms before E4
>on postgame gym rematch mode
>fighting on a championship
So why not just make an early game gym team, one which the greenhorn challenger would realistically face excuse to make a team with fewer pokémon since I don't like electric types
>Sturdy Golem-Alola, Custap Berry, Electric Terrain/Stealth Rock/Thunder Punch/Explosion
>Sturby Magneton, Explosion/Steel Beam/Rain Dance/Thunder
>Water Absorb Lanturn, Volt Switch/Flip Turn/Scald/Ice Beam
>Electric Tera, Quick Feet Joelteon, Flame Orb, Volt Switch/Thunder/Trailblaze/Weather Ball
Basic strategy is to set Electric Terrain + Rain with Golem and Magneton to increase the power of Thunder and make it ignore ACC. Both which are sturdy just so they can set it reliably even if the challenger is overleveled.
Some moves and Lanturn are there just so the team isn't useless against ground types.