http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99P95f5CoPA>THAT NIGHT...Swinub manages to heal quickly from Trevor's unwarranted beating, leaving Alice and Torchic happy and content with their new playmate. Trevor himself on the other hand, has been delegated to sitting outside in the wretched cold.
Inviting him into the super gay portion of your harem where you get to make him giggle by fondly tickling his Mr. Goodbars will have to wait for another time.
Trevor has made explicit use of his time outside by constructing a snow fort to protect him from Swinub should another attack come.
Serena stands outside of this fort, knocking on the front door gently, "Excuse me, Trevor? Are you in? I came with food. I'm quite aware I'm not supposed to feed you, but I snuck it under Calem's nose, I doubt he'll notice."
A) Trevor doesn't respond.
B) Trevor opens the door.