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I never understood the logic of hating a Pokémon because it's bad in battle. There are so much more aspects to look at in Pokémon such as design, concept, lore.
Obviously, I don't blame people for using Pokemon in battles that can actually battle. It's just annoying seeing every least favorite list being full of objectively amazing Pokemon who's only fault is that they suck in battle. Especially since a Pokemon's use in battle can't be considered as an intrinsic part of it because can vary wildly depending on the generation. Remember, Kangaskhan and Mawile were Ubers when they had Megas.
Crapmon's didn't choose to be crap. It's not their fault Game Freak plays favorites and can't balance a game to save their lives. (No Megas of Johto Starters, No Body Press for Zamazenta, Articuno being PU despite being a legendary, Flareon's only move killing itself, Dusknoir being worse than its own preevolution, 35 attack Ledian, etc).
Don't Blame The Crapmon, Blame Lame Freak