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I'm just working on the Pokedex so the LF don't have to be anything special
LF: Milotic, Flapple (or a Tart Apple), Slurpuff, Aromatisse, Scraggy, Corsola, Rhyperior, Gothita, Mawile, Trevenant (or just trade a Phantump lol), Passimian, Drampa, Turtonator, Darumaka, Arctozolt, Arctovish, Jangmo-o
FT: 4 IV moon ball Dreepy (f), a few 5 IV HA Bold Mareanie w/Haze in heal ball, some 5 IV moon ball Deinos. I can also spare some Fossilized Fish & Drake and Sweet apples. Or you can just ask for something and I might have it.