>>53805217They claim, pornography is the essence of 4chan and so on, they point to an origin story. But, I disagree. The essence of 4chan is more like, complete distinguishment from the rest of the internet. When the rest of the internet was SFW, sanitized, etc, 4chan was the opposite. But today, everyone is porn-addicted. Porn is everywhere, on twitter, reddit, even youtube. Every stream is making porn jokes and porn memes. Therefore, how can a board like /vp/ distinguish itself from the rest of the Pokemon fandom? By going 180 and castrating itself, in short. NO lasciviousness, NO pornography, NO coomerism ironic or otherwise. The energy becomes redirected to treating our object, the Pokemon world etc, without any sexual intention.
If we had a moderation team dedicated to this objective, and a userbase who developed this culture, I bet you in 6 months /vp/ would be one of the most productive and innovative boards on 4chan. Libido would be refocused to other pursuits etc