This thread might die soon knowing our luck on /vp/, but I will post my updates anyway (and repost in a new thread if dies - I worked hard on this one!)
Big Guy here, Black 2 Challenge Mode. Never done the hard mode before im BW2 despite praising it for years. Fucking keys are impossible to get without AR but luckily Desmume has a code.
Super smooth start, no Riolu early catch but I love Lillipup line for pickup and Intimidate anyway, and unlike Riolu they can take a hit. Osha Sewaddle and Lillipup are a solid trio, hoping I hit Magnemite, Koffing, or Magby in the Virbank encounters.
Also god BLESS 5th Gen, didn't realize I was a Unovafag but Audino grinding is so nice, the music and spritework is my favorite, and the battles are smooth. Challenge mode is a nice buff, but not unreasonable at the moment. I'm not looking forward to the late game bosses though - as they have items like Focus Sash and Choice stuff to deal with! Really happy to be doing Black 2. I have actually already beaten the 2nd gym just gotta edit my image for that.
>>43147817dupes is necessary for me to have fun desu, I have nuzlocked since the original Ruby comic came out, and after getting 5+ Zizagoons and Linoones in my first run years ago I am never going back to nondupes
>>43147650super cool team, can Aerodactyl learn Rock Slide? Gen 1 movesets suck but get it if you can, gl fren
>>43147515yay! awesome team, you had double Nidos, Granbull and Ledian - epic squad
>>43146427really neat variant, might have to try myself someday
>>43146343i-is lvl28 high for the first trial in SupernovaSun?? holy cow
>>43142433really cool and unique leafgreen team, good luck against lance though you are right