>We catch a Zigzagoon and Pidgey>And then it's time to fuck around in high school>We also sweep our rival with Zigzagoon headbutt spam>The next part of the game isn't very interesting, just a bunch of trainer battles, ridiculous EXP gains, and walls of text>Bored, I take a break to play something actually kino - Epic Battle Fantasy III>Also, a heracross is caught.Whiteout counter: 0
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Previous Threads: plays MEGA folder (contains writefaggotry, art, screenshot spam, and extras): the fuck is this garbage?
>This is Pokemon Winter, a filler fangame>Decisions & catches are made via GETs when people actually give a shit about them - dubs override singlets, trips override dubs and can cause thread-long rules, and quads+ override trips and can cause permanent rules