>1st MultiMallow
>2nd MultiGladion
>3rd MultiHala / Kukui / Hilbert
>4th MultiSS Misty (1)
>5th MultiDead
>6th MultiHilda
>7th and 8th MultiDead
>9th MultiOlivia
>10th MultiCaitlin
>11th MultiDead
>12th MultiSS Misty (2) / Hilbert
>13th MultiJasmine
>Spark SS Misty (3)
>14th MultiBea
>15th and 16th MultiDead
>17th MultiCaitlin / SS Misty (4) / Lusamine
>18th MultiHala
>19th MultiSS Misty (5) / SS Misty (6...)
>>48330545Went from 100,810 gems to 43,810, so I used a total of 57k. Time to go back into saving.
>>48330608Yup, made sure to use the 40SPA water gear. and theme skills were all maxed and everything.