>>53858489>>53861824>>53859359Don't even get me started. This fucking claydol not only had the psychic strength to put up a multi-mile large shield bubble around the entire volcano strong enough to have Corvisquire knock himself unconscious when he smash right into it. But had the additional psychic strength to not only supercharge Camerupt to the point of being able to taking on the Lee and Co entire teams, while keep it under mind controlled, and seal up any wounds or damages, and act as it shield taking hits from several high level mons, all while keep the shield up for the entire duration of the battle. And to top it all off have enough left over strength to teleport Maxie and a couple dozen gunts off the mountain to god know where. Mewtwo a literal legendary psychic pokemon who was literal made to be a super weapon design to take over the fucking world didn't have the power, fine psychic control, multitasking or, the power projections to do half the crazy shit this claydol did. If claydol was this fucking powerful why didn't Maxie just have claydol hold the three in the psychic grip and then go wipe minds them. If not, why not? And why didn't any attack claydol as it out on the field so it should have been fair game.
Also I'm no Volcanology but wouldn't the shield bubble trap all the Volcanic gas causing everyone inside to suffocate?
>>53862223>>53862622So your telling me that this man who has been living in the pokemon world for several months, only NOW realize that this is "Real life". If this had happened in the first few chapter I may have given it a pass but No. That lift operator who he and his coworkers life was being threaten by team Magma alone should have be that OH SHIT moment where Lee realize this isn't the anime and runs for backup. And to those that go "but that would make lee too hyper competent" can just go Fuck themselves and keep on coping.