Quoted By:
>Be Kantonese trainer traveling the world
>Best friend and ace pokemon is my Exeggutor
>We've defeated just about every gym in the Kanto/Johto area together, and are currently taking on the Hoenn league
>Walking away from Winona's gym with a lovely badge
>It was a tough battle but we prevailed
>Suddenly, I'm confronted with another trainer
>He's from Alola, 6'02", tanned skin and chiseled face
>the spitting image of a Chad
>Following behind him is his Alolan Exeggutor
>Thing is 35 feet tall, and it's part dragon
>How does that even happen
>He challenges me for the badge I just won
>Meekly accept
>His skyscraper of a monster beats the ever loving shit out of my partner Exeggutor
>Calls my only friend a pathetic excuse of a pokemon, and tells me I should just stop being a pokemon trainer
>Humiliated, give him the badge and go to the pokemon center to cry
>I can't challenge the gym again for a month without being accused of trying to run it out of business, and the doctors diagnosed my Exeggutor with depression