I wish I could apologize for being so cancerous with these references..>>19545980"Correct! And if he's not giving people piggyback, then my calculations have led me to believe that MILLIONS of trainers are now stranded with no way to get to Anistar City! I-It's quite the conundrum! Er... to put it in better perspective, have you seen Hyouka?"
"I've /slept to it/, does that count? I mean, it's a good thing I stream on my phone at night under the covers, deleting those torrents would have been a paaaain.~ I had an easier time watching Shirokuma Cafe than that."
"O-Oh.. Well! Erm, I suppose I'll have to use a different approach. See, I think this Mamoswine may have some sort of relation with a particular Abomasnow in the area, I vaguely recall hearing some people talk about it. Not a Kirino, Taiga, Shana, Louise, or Zappy Dan the Magnet Man kind of fling, it's more like an Isshukan kind of thing.--"
"So what? Are pig tusks and grass yeti in some kind of swim club or something?"
"I just told you--I think they may be buddy guys!"
Suddenly, it's that phrase, THAT phrase. That label that resonates with your soul so hard that it makes you want to ruin your reputation with an original ending! Furiously beating your chest with a hero's vigor, you approach the mammoth.
B) "What's that, piggy? ABOMASNOW FELL DOWN THE WELL?"
C) "Is that it!? Did you lose your buddy guy!? It's okay, I'VE BEEN THERE!"
D) "Are you watching anything this season, pigface? This guy does /not/ share my taste.."