Quoted By:
>Tidbit sweeps Sidney with some very lucky Silver Wind stat procs
>Everett sweeps Phoebe
>Gemini tries to setup a sunny day sweep on Glacia but gets frozen on turn 1
>Koaly comes in and sets up 3 amnesias and grinds down 2 sealeos and 1 glalie before running out of pp
>Croft comes in and almost gets oneshot by crit surf from the walrein
>Slacks off back to full and takes down the walrein and second glalie
>Surly ice beams the first 4 dragons down but dies to a dragon claw from the Salamence
>Croft comes in and tears Salamence in half with a crit Return
>~16 years since the last time i fought Steven so i forgot who he leads with
>Lead with Koaly and get somewhat lucky since it turns out it's Skarmory
>Setup defences again whilst skarmory sets up a billion entry hazards
>Proceed to sweep Steven with the slowest tortoise alive
You can't get hit by entry hazards if you never switch out 5head. Shame Surly didn't make it to the very end though. Onward to Sapphire