one last complaint before I clock out because I need to get it off my chest
I am really fucking sick of getting the absolute worst encounter in EVERY SINGLE area without fail before promptly being taunted by the best as my immediate next encounter
here's how the last few went, for a demonstration (some might be better than others just due to me preferring their designs):
>encountered a Seviper as my first, Zorua as my second>encountered a Pachirisu as my first, Ferrothorn as my second>encountered a Gulpin as my first, Archen as my second>encountered a Stunky as my first, Axew as my secondi'll stop there but it's seriously starting to grate me
I'm happy with using the underappreciated as long as I enjoy their designs, but so far I strongly dislike most of my box and it's dogshit in combat to boot
the appeal of the game to me lies in large part due to being able to use a bunch of really cool creatures that I personally enjoy so getting shafted like this on a constant basis feels like shit
and constantly taunting me with some of my favorites (Archeops and Haxorus are in my top 10 of all time) coming directly after encounters I'm mediocre on at best feels like pouring a bucket of salt into a papercut
Shit sux
anyways, that's the last of my complaining
>>53864579I forgot to congratulate you on the run. I am now congratulating you on the run. congrats! Very interesting team there, I don't think I've ever seen someone keep an Ambipom on the team very long. Whenever i've gone up against one it's been hell to fight, but is it actually good on a player's team or is the AI just really skilled with monkeys for some weird reason?