Quoted By:
- The 5-minutes-flight (I haven't reached 5 minutes yet).
- Picture at the port.
- Level up in sunlight./harsh sunlight.
- Level up near a car or a truck idk (reference to the firts Action Comics issue).
-Save another one of its species during a battle.
- Level up with a Pokémon with superpower in the team.
- Level up while holding Heart Scale (I CAN'T FUCKING FIND IT)
- Level up with Luvidisc on the team.
- Nature shenanigans.
- Switch out, then back in.
- Switch in to save a red health teammate.
- Switch in after teammate's defeat.
- Switch in after whole team is defeated.
- Defeat a Scovillain.
- Level up after changing character's glasses.
- Level up while holding Wise Glasses.
- Level up after the character spins.
- Level up after character spins, and Finizen is in front of him in Let's Go Mode.
- Level up with only Finizen in the team.
- KO a dark type.