My current planned team for a "woodland" themed team in platinum, just hit Floraroma so I don't have everyone quite yet.
>>38614524Pretty great mon choices, I love Unovan bugs. Like the other anon said, seismitoad is pretty fun, and is my water type of choice.
>>386150175/6, only one I'm iffy on is Musharna but that's my personal taste. Is klinklang fun in the campaign? I've only ever used him in the subway.
>>38615158absolutely disgusting/6
>>38615192I really like the balance of this one, it feels a bit generic but in the right way - like playing a midrange deck, you know?
>>38615214Not really to my tastes at all. Whimsicott is great though
>>38615218That's gonna be an interesting distribution of types with the volcarona in there. How'd you get the braviary? Doesn't that shit evolve at like 60 or something?
>>38615231Victreebel & slowbro are great, not super keen on the rest though
>>38615262>bottom rightThat's a real diverse group. The single non-gen 7 kinda sticks out to me, but I love the picks regardless.
>>38615284Your picks remind me a lot of mine a few years ago. Admittedly, I still love a lot of the mons on your rosters, but others like scrafty & hitmonlee, I don't like anymore
>>38615298Best gen 6 starter and best mega
>>38615454Barring the delphox, incredible tastes. How is the no exp share run? Are you using items in battle? I've been thinking about doing one lately.
>>38615456Yeah the level curve is kinda fucked then, but it gets better IIRC. Houndoom should be fun to use
>>38615552The triple flying with no other shared types triggers my autism, but otherwise, interesting group.