>Zinzoshit, the RevangeNavajo kills everything in one hit.
>Colress AKA best theme manNickel took away the sturdy of Magneton and Magnezone, before EQin.
>Mango 2hko'd Beheeyem with Return>Navajo 2hkos Klinklang>Ghetsis>Navajo 1hko's Kyurem with Jump Kick.>Set up +6 with Excadrill, then set up sand.>1hko Cofagrigus, Seismitoad, Drapion, Eelektross, Toxcicroak and Hydreigon. Lost Sand with Hydreigon, but Hyd missed Dragon Rush.>>43050866>Mankey>BronzorBASED. Good luck on Dray's bulllllshit.
>>43051421>No nickname on starterWhy.
>>43052375Have fun!
>>43051506>Soloing with PIg.Bold. any reason as to why?