>>39573023Forgive me RNGesus, for I have been too cocky. All was going well during my first gym badge. I had no deaths until I reached Virbank City. In Virbank Complex, I caught an Elekid which I named ONI. Since I had nothing better to do, I headed to the gym to beat the trainers for free EXP. HORRIGAN was underleveled at the time, so I sent him in to evolve into a Pignite. This decision bit me in the ass as a Koffing unceremoniously discarded of my Tepig while it survived with a sliver of HP. The heartbreak doesn't end here. After the death of my Tepig, I grind my mons and BTFO Roxie and Team Plasma without any deaths. When I reach Castelia City, I immediately rush to Route 4 to catch something. I luck out and find a Darumaka, so I send out ONI. ONI proceeds to get one shot by a crit Headbutt, but it gets caught. After that fiasco, I go to the sewers to BTFO Team Plasma again and catch a Zubat. Going to the patch of grass in Castelia City, I find an Eevee and waste most of my Pokeballs trying to catch the damn thing before I decide to cut my losses, and head for Relic Passage. The first mon I encounter is a Roggenrola which gets a lucky rock blast off and kills the MVP of my party, RED ROCKET the Herdier. I can probably recover from this. At least I have four good Pokemon to use against the Gym.