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Well this isn't a bad idea. Better than most else /vp/ currently has to offer.
>talk about a great battle you had online
The other day I was running a doubles team consisting of Murkrow, Incineroar, Pangoro and Malamar. This other guy was running Arcanine, T-Lando, Hydreigon and M-Mawile. His Hydreigon was bulky support with Tailwind. You'd think he'd have the obvious advantage with all that Intimidate and M-Mawile vs my physical dark types (Though the Intimidatefest was an advantage for Malamar). But I ended up beating him so bad he quit the moment his final mon fainted. I'm sure it hurt when I took down his Lando before it could even do anything with Quash Murkrow and a -1 Ice Punch from Pangoro. Keeping M-Mawile's attack so constantly low from Intimidate + Feather Dance must have stung too.
>share little details you've discovered while playing
Relevent to the previous story, since I used it during that battle. Dark types are immune to Prankster-boosted moves in Gen 7, though that's not entirely true. It seems to be little known that allied Dark types are not immune to the effects of Prankster. I often use Murkrow's Feather Dance to boost Contrary Malamar.
Unrelated, but did you also know Zoroark's Disguise breaks if it uses a Z-move?
>ask for advice on filling a team slot
What are some more interesting mons to use in a mono-dark team?
>what are you currently playing
Just started Crystal. Gonna transfer Celebi and some Shiny Dizzy Punches.
>what is your team
Cyndaquil, Pidgey, Caterpie and Geodude.