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So I wanted to try out Protean Kecleon, having priority with Shadow Sneak and Sucker Punch and the immunities those both give seemed fun, but I can't decide about the last two moves. Mainly tossing up between Fake Out, Magic Coat, Snatch and Recover. Also I'm leaning towards Adamant though considering Careful.
Fake Out + something like Power Up Punch would allow me to use assault vest and take more advantage of its special defense and I don't plan on keeping it out against physical attackers I can't have immunity to, but it would lose any way of healing itself with recover/leftovers. Magic Coat and Snatch both seemed good but I'm not sure how much use I would get out of either or which would be preferable. And Recover while great for survivability might not be 100% necessary with leftovers especially considering how slow Kecleon is anyway and I don't plan on using it in Trick Room.
Help me /cpg/