(Previous thread's fluff, posted without noticing we had gone over bump limit because I just woke up at the time
>>53717071>What is your favorite Player/Partner duo? Custom starters are welcome.Vulpix/Shinx
>When did you play your first PMD game?2016, maybe? Hard to remember.
>Are you a bad enough dude to tackle the Level 1 dungeons?I mean, I could try. Probably would fail, but I'd still try.
>The Clover Guild must create some sort of test to put recruits through. With both serious and joke submissions accepted, what is your contribution?There's a steep chasm, a bridge over it, and a Pokemon standing in front of the bridge who asks three questions. Participants have to answer at least two correctly to pass. The questions can range from legitimate (ex: Is this an oran berry or an oren berry? What are the effects of level 4 mysteriously on a mystery dungeon?) to human memes (What is the airspeed of an unladen swallow? What is love? etc...).