>>21743726>>Which game are you getting? Why?OmegaRuby, because of Courtney and I had the original Ruby.
>>Will you play a male or female?Female, because I like to be the little grill.
>>Which team do you prefer as antagonists with the focus on them and which team do you prefer with a much smaller role just sort of helping you out?I think both Magma and Aqua are dumb, but I like Magma better. Don't know how to answer this, really.
>>Will you use your starter?Probably, but I never powerlevel it.
>>If not, will you import some other Pokemon to use as your main "bro"?No.
>>Will your starter be your Mega? If not, do you know what?I don't plan to use any Mega Evolution in the main game playthrough.
>>Will you use the GTS, /vp/ or the bank to get Pokemon you couldn't get or catch all your Pokemon "organically"?I don't play this game for the collecting, so neither. I'll catch what I like that I come across.