>>35516506>UB are power creep garbageObjectively untrue. Some are really good, some really shit. Just like most pokemon.
>z crystals are power creep garbageThey are one time nukes. I am not sure if I would call them that.
>pokeride replacing the fucking bicycle is garbagethis is like, your opinion man
>"gym leaders" are cake walk garbageThey have always being that? I am not sure if you are talking about the Totems (Some of which are harder than most GM), the battles against the Capitans (Those are easy) or the design of the trials (which do suck)
>poke refresh is hand holding garbageMeh, somewhat true. It would be much better if important trainers also got this bonus. It would make things MUCH more intersting. Note that any non retarded trainer would always carry Potions and Stuff. On my on playthrougs getting from Point A to Point B has always being super easy. Never really struggled.
>pokepelageo is pointless garbage surrounding a berry farmIt is a lot of free stuff but it could be better. Much better.
>festival plaza is pointless garbageNow, this one is true. The Plaza angers me so much. It could be good. If only it wasn't sooo much RNG. Having Set stores and it would be really good.
>online battles have once again devolved into injecting pokemon into the game instead of doing any of the tedious bullshit that gamefreak considers engaging gameplayThis has always being a thing?
I don't think G7 is bad, just so painfully mediocre? There is nothing noteworthy about it. If anything, I just hate the cutscenes and Lillie.