the IRC room was pretty fun last night
>>54132133Do you mean physical or mental struggle? Because it's admittedly kind of boring to read an entire chapter of someone failing to walk (though I'll admit I have read a pseudo-tf fic where it takes some time to learn to use NEW limbs).
>>54132345It was a book of poetry, for me. Specifically, the poem "I'm Being Eaten By A Boa Constrictor." Gave me a thing for feet -first unwilling, even.
>>54132203>Maybe there's something I'm missing here?The mainline world is more familiar, but it's also designed for humans - which, of course, we wouldn't be. As a Pokemon, you're largely limited to places your Trainer brings you (else you're in other Pokemon's territory, or you're stuck outside a door/passageway built with human bodies in mind). There's modern and futuristic tech, but, with the exception of Pokemon Centers, it's only humans who see direct use of it.
In contrast, PMD is less familiar, but much more accessible to a Pokemon: buildings, shops, transportation, and so on are made to accommodate all kinds of Pokemon species. Plus, trouble is usually caused by a few individual actors, rather than large, coordinated crime syndicates.