>>50754239>No, it doesn't, something like that was never consciously attempted by Ash or Pikachu before and, like I pointed out, it can be replicated to a degree.because there is nothing that implies that opponents thunderbolt cannot protect equally based on this twisted logic.
And in fact it has never been replicated, I wonder knows
>he used the rush job Thunder Armor to break through the TwisterAnon, please. Just rewatch the fucking episode. Brock explained that he used thunderbolt on itself to make volt tackle stronger. But then what does it mean that he made himself a TA to get inside a tornado? Do you even know how a tornado works?
>Based on you just admitting to not even understanding what battle with Milotic I was talking about.Anon...
>"I know you didn't watch xy">"N-no! I watched it. It's you who didn't watch it!">"Based on fucking what?">"Based on the AG milotic battle...