>>55265027With how many characters there were in the DLC it’s inevitable that the amount of scenes any one character gets won’t seem like enough.
Besides that, Game Freak didn’t want Kieran so seem too cruel, the more scenes of him being mean the harder it would be to redeem him later. Though I feel they could had have added a couple more short scenes of him being mean to resignation-kun, other league members, or even the staff. ike there this scene where this secretary seems terrified of him but Kieran’s only stern and cold at worst. What’s weird is that I still believe it when the story says Kieran’s been a slave-driver because the story shows just enough but I don’t feel it. Heck, the only other examples of Kieran being outright rude are Carmine (who kind of had it coming considering the teal mask is full of moments like
>>55268086) and Drayton (who’s begging of it).
Then again, maybe it was intentional and Game Freak didn’t want people to take him too seriously even during his villain arch. They made him look way too cute, he’s constantly insisting he’s “not a kid”, has that fucking fanny pack, is STILL Obsessed with “the ogre”, still says wowsers, and literally regresses when he loses. He just gives of the vibe of a Fail girl trying so hard to be a Stacy but keeps falling flat on her face (I know there are male terms but I’m using the female ones because he’s just that pathetic).