Beat the E4 with this team. I'm disappointed I felt I had the need to go to the champion's highest level, but I'm glad I did. The AI does crack and I can't understand them. Thank god Umbreon is such a massive unit and slow baton pass is a great utility.
>>46450564Man you're running real low on available mons to catch. Are you planning on teaching dig to PMS or delay Surge and catch an Onix for him?
>>46450581Nidoking has good value in dealing with brock early on in yellow. Might be more beneficial to have him instead of Dugtrio for Yellow.
>>46451769I cannot believe you had the patience to grind out all the way to level 60 on cart. Way to go a well deserved happy end.
>>46452712Shit man, sorry to hear real life isn't going well. You'll make it through anon. Congrats on the Rayquaza catch.
>>46455044Budew it's really weak and absorb fills you with false confidence.