>>47204583Sun & Moon are my favourite games aesthetically. Gens 1-4 are all based on Japan, which is fine, but got very repetitive. Unova is supposed to be the US, but a lot of it is still reminiscent of Japanese culture, it feels like a hybrid of the two. Samurott the starter clearly based on a samurai in a USA based region. I love Unova and Gen 5 but it's aesthetically disjointed.
Nothing about Kalos screams France, perhaps due to time constraints being the first 3D entry, ironic considering how much the games try to state the contrary, with it's focus on fashion. Kalos is super fucking bland, it's color scheme is washed out and dull.
Everything about Sun & Moon sells me that this is a region based on Hawaii. The clothing, the people. It honestly has the best regional dex since Gen I. I'm in love with at least 90% of the Pokemon designs. Say what you will about gameplay because that's it's own can of worms. On aesthetics alone, Sun & Moon was the greatest attempt we had ever seen.
...Then we got SwSh. Another dull lifeless region that does very little to sell the culture it's based on. In complete opposition to Sun & Moon, at least 90% of the Pokemon designs I hate and they look god awful. The only Gen 8 Pokemon I like the designs of are the 6 I used on my team. To be fair I really like the designs I do like, but the rest of the regional dex is just ugly.