>>41189760Lord, this may break it.
All it takes it a bad game with good sales to make the next game not sell well.
Its like killing the golden goose. Yay, you got your meat, but lost your source.
People don't give a shit about pokemon without the games. The games are what endear people to pokemon and make them want to buy merchandise.
If people don't get attached to these pokemon, they won't care, and they won't buy.
And as it is, genwunner nostalgia is dying out, they tapped it too much. And slowly they get more and more diminishing returns.
Sure they sell well now, but for how long? Can you see this lasting forever, for the next ten, twenty years
Series Mario and Zelda have proven themselves to be able to reinvent and innovate. But pokemon is failing this. Always they make great shit but throw it away for some dumbass gimmick people don't give a fuck about
Who gives a shit about curry? Maybe Masuda during his british vacay, but not people who just want to love their pokemon.
How utterly sad and pointless. rekt