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Here is a response to a retarded Nugget Bridge post (pic related) that embodies Verlisify and his children followers. It captures my opinion perfectly:
Sorry everybody, but I've lost it. I've finally lost it. Here we go...
1) No, using Ledian or other bad Pokemon competitively is not creative, nor does it make you special. It just makes you one of the legions of players who use bad Pokemon for whatever reason. I actually have a friend who has messed around with Ledian on the NU ladder before. Though, he mostly saves it for ingame play and uses a different team when playing seriously.
2) Ledyba was designed to be a common, early game Pokemon that evolved to its final form relatively early so it was decent early on but was weak for the late game. It was designed with campaign balance in mind, not competitive.
3) Doing creative things with good Pokemon is a notable part of the reason Ray gets such good, consistent results when he's not screwing around or wasting all of his teambuilding effort on Torkoal. The Nature and EV systems in particular give you a lot of room to customize your Pokemon's stats to suit your needs. Take a look at Ray's Mawile for a pretty recent example of this.
4) What made me lose it was the tone of this post. It comes off as arrogant. For example:
but after all that's happened I'm never spending valuable time breeding/training them when I could just use a software to make them like everyone else that beats me
"They trained Pokemon that aren't 390 BST mons with bad typing so they clearly hack.