>SieboldSwept by Dedenne
>DrasnaSD once + BP with Mawile to Azu and then sweep
>MalvaActually the hardest fight. There's no way I could set up with Mawile, so Gardevoir was the lead. After a Calm Mind, it one shot both the Pyroar and the Chandelura. Then it was talonflame. Knowing I cant live a crit with Gardevoir and fearing a Flare Blitz, I go to Azu, which tanks a flare blitz. Knowing it will go to Brave Bird and fearing a crit, i switch to Mawile for the Inti drop. Azu comes back for the Flare Blitz but gets critted and burned, bummer. Now however I can go to Dedenne which can tank a Brave Bird and a non-crit Flare blitz and kill with volt switch. It does and I send out Gardevoir to take out the Torkoal.
>WikstromSD 3 times with Mawile on Klefki and then BP to Azu which took out everything.
>DianthaDedenne took care of Hawlucha with a Volt Switch, Azu killed Aurorus, Klefki and Mawile helped against Gourgeist. I was able to make Diantha waste a heal on it so I could safely sub and sd 3 times with Mawile and BP to Azu which one shot Gourgeist and the rest of Diantha team.
MVP goes to Azumarilll, altho Mawile was also crazy good for this run.
Dark type next on... it would be Alpha Sapphire but I'm gonna do Omega Ruby cause I forgot Seedot is a OR exclusive.