>>27152759However, the manipulative and sly mind of Socrates, based on the recorded dialogues of Plato assure every Greek that passed him in the agora that there was no effectual connation between an organism’s visible and invisible aspects, with Alcibiades, his male prostitute friend, mentioning that Socrates loathed any person with a semblance of beauty, him mentioning to the jury at his trial that he taught others to prize the soul above the body, and even while in jail declaring that we must be patient of any aesthetic or bodily defect, and that to love a man or woman for his / her soul is to love them for who they are (whatever that represents), with it all cumulating into the teachings of Plato and Xenophon, his dedicated scholars.
Gradually bodily defects were made respectable, disease were a special means of fame and notice. Any visible aspect, any body or physical element, became tinged and tainted with the stigma of the wicked and the corrupted, and any invisible aspect was the only meaningful and desirable part of a creature. Any sound biological or artistic attitude towards any man, woman, creature, or opus was made despicable and impossible to implant in the minds of those who followed this dogma.
Socrates’ dialogues were later noted by Christianity, before being praised and demanded in every corner and detail of it, bringing along the whole of the modern world with it.
>>27152740You wag.