-This and the next few threads are going to be dev oriented so we can get some work done, WE ARE LOOKING FOR NEW HELP, IF YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ROM HACKING, CODING, OR ADVANCE MAP, JOIN THE PARTY!-
-Pokemon Clover is: -
>FireRed hack>252 Fakemon, created by /vp/>Fairy type and Physical/Special split added>Some Gen 4/5 moves and abilities added>Trainers will be made more challenging and edited to use the new Pokemon>New region: Fochun, somewhat based on the Kanto model>TMs and HMs are the same>Uses MrDollSteak's decap/attack patch>Battle Facility where you can rematch people and buy rare items.-Maintained by Camerupt-
-Pokemon DubsClover is: -
>Essentials Game>A completely new region, the Inavia region>Some new characters, some old characters>Completely new plot>An additional set of 135 new Pokemon to go with the 252 from Clover>Challenging game-Maintained by Dexanon-
>Links:Fochun map:
https://data.archive.moe/board/vp/image/1427/22/1427220830452.pngInavia map:
http://i.imgur.com/aHVWpkj.pngGoogle Doc (contains lots of information):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DIWPeo3EaFguJlvKS-kz54ZJchIHnmmrpiPGmVsfAoY/edit#gid=0Wiki (NEEDS LOTS OF HELP):
http://pgenvp.wikia.com/Wiki Template:
http://pastebin.com/PermCvQ8Clover Official/Fanart Booru:
Download Demo 1.1 here:
http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=36823599799684160472Please report any bugs, glitches, text errors, etc. on the thread here, with screenshots if you can please!
Come to the Pokemon Clover official IRC room:
Channel name: #PokemonClover, use kiwi IRC with default server setting please