>>40101696You've come from money, yet you still respect your fellow citizens regardless of their background.
>>40101733You don't get enough sleep and it demonstrates both physically and mentally.
>>40101777A very spiritual person who lives by making others happy.
>>40101892You're of tall stature, and people gave you flak for it. You have a deep respect for the elderly.
>>40102029Your healthy habits will ensure you live a longer life than most other people. Always doing your research, counting calories; those kinds of things.
>>40102162You spend a lot of time outdoors and have a resulting tan. You live in an arid climate.
>>40102184Was into emo/edgy stuff and dressed as so; but you were never really a part of that.
>>40102811Heavy set with a barrelchest.
>>40102879You have lightning-fast reflexes.