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I haven't played on Showdown, Shoddy or PokemonOnline since gen 5, but every new generation and meta looks fun to me as I'm watching gameplay on YouTube. I'm just not getting the same enjoyment out of 6v6 simulators lacking cool in-game animations as I used to. I guess I've become more casual and comfortable with our modern in-game standards, so if I ever get back into competitive play, it's gonna have to be on console.
I dunno if I should aim for VGC or Battle Spot singles though. I assume I'd be awful at doubles since I have literally 0 experience with it, and the protect mindgames would be hard to adapt to as a previous singles player. However, I used to be good at singles Battle Spot, but my old gimmicks are ruined by the dynamax/gigantamax mechanic this generation, and gimmicks was what I always had the most fun with in competitive play.
Building up a team on console takes so much longer than on simulators too. It just feels like such a chore and hurdle just to enjoy the game without playing at a massive disadvantage. And even if I start playing again, I have a way less helpful mindset in competitive games in general now. When losing in 1v1 games I just get frustrated instead of thinking about what an interesting and good match it was, like I used to.
I feel like no matter what I choose to do, I'll be making the wrong decision. What should I do bros? Should I start casually and then go from there? Hell, is this gen even worth getting back into the game for at all?