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I finally stepped it up and got 2 badges today unlike my last 2 playthroughs.
>grind levels on gay nigga
>learns confusion
>after grinding, head to goldenrod
>use the goldenrod train
>at saffron city
>head to vermilion city
>accidentally kill a drowzee on the way
>solo surge with TylerOne
>get the badge, head to fuchsia
>keep accidentally killing pokemons
>at fuschia, get the HM for surf
>teach surf to psyduck, accidentally made it forget confusion
>decide to head all the way up to Celadon
>arrive at Celadon, take on Erika's gym
>solo the gym with Chair
>get my badge, head to route 16
>Finally catch something, caught a Grimer
>get the HM for Fly as well
>head back to Celadon, go to the dept. store
>evolve Vader into Alakazam
>get Vader to learn Fire Punch by TM
>end the game off from there
The levels are still the same for my team mates as last time, probably have to grind levels for everyone. Sucks how in this whole playthrough, i keep killing mons by accident. At least, i picked up the pace today and got 2 badges.