>>45199003>Hundreds of thousands per month. on Home, it checks population by Series, and each series is a month long, so we have a proper number on who at least attempted to play competitively each month.Your straight answer is appreciated. I don't dick with Home so I'll take your word for it.
>What does that have to do the point. GF doesn't support 6v6, so its less popular?Casual players aren't going to go out of the way to set up a battle format that isn't supported, yes. Like it or not that makes cart numbers skewed.
>Maybe, but you have to understand that maybe it's not officially supported because the battles are an utter drag and the meta is more prone to being broken in half than even VGC when in the standard "everything but legends and mythicals" allowed format they use?Ignoring your personal opinion on 6v6, this same argument can be used on 3v3. You're also bringing up an inherent flaw in official rulesets. So what if it's a shitshow, so are the other formats. Give 6v6 players a fucking bone already.
>Then why doesn't Smogon have the numbers to back it up?Because casual players aren't inclined to go into a den full of battle autists. I'd say smogon earning the reputation they have is proof enough of singles' popularity.
>It's a meme among shitty Smogonites on 4chan and on the forums, but what exactly is that supposed to prove anyways? Doubles has has some shitty fucking balance, but that has absolutely nothing to do with the argument.It became a meme because discussion is centralized around singles. Much like how singles is underserved on cartridge, doubles is underserved among fans.
>Because no one in their right mind, and I MEAN no one, wants to sit there for 50 fucking minutes being walled by a """bulky balance""" Pex/Clef/Corv/(insert breaker here) core.I do, because I'm not a retard who builds teams that can't handle stall.
>the unranked variant would dwarf the comp one in popularity.This is possible.